
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Numbers of Rakats in 5 Daily Prayers (Salat, Salah)

Salat al-Fajr (2+2)
Morning Twilight Prayer

2 Rakat Sunnat (Compulsory)
2 Rakat Fard (Compulsory)

Salat al-Dhuhr (4+4+2+2)
Noon Prayer

4 Rakat Sunnat (Essential)
4 Rakat Fard (Compulsory)
2 Rakat Sunnat (Essential)
2 Rakat Nafl (Optional)

Salat al-Asr (4+4)
Afternoon Prayer

4 Rakat Sunnat (Optional)
4 Rakat Fard (Compulsory)

Salat al-Maghrib (3+2+2)
Evening Twilight Prayer

3 Rakat Fard (Compulsory) [Raka’ah] Fard (compulsory, non-performer is sinner)
2 Rakat Sunnat (Essential)
2 Rakat Nafl (Optional)

Salat al-Isha'a (4+4+2+2+3+2)
Night Prayer

4 Rakat Sunnat (Optional)
4 Rakat Fard (Compulsory)
2 Rakat Sunnat (Essential)
2 Rakat Nafl (Optional)
3 Rakat Witr (Compulsory)
2 Rakat Nafl (Optional)

Salat al-Jum’ah (4+2+2+4+2+2)
Friday Noon Prayer

4 Rakat Sunnat (Essential)
2 Sermon/khutba (Compulsory)
2 Rakat Fard (Compulsory)
4 Rakat Sunnat (Essential)
2 Rakat Sunnat (Essential)
2 Rakat Nafl (Optional)


  1. What do you mean by essential? Would it be haraam if you missed out those ones?

    1. Assalamualaikum and Bismillahir Rahman ir Raheem. It is to my understanding that not performing Fardh(compulsory) makes one a nonbeliever, and not performing Sunnah(essential) makes one a sinner(not a non believer though).
      And Allah SWT knows best :)

    2. No,you will not be a sinner if you don't perform essential rakats,but it will be good if you perform them.

    3. Essential means must be done but can be left with an excuse

    4. I am not sure but I think that compulsory means in this content that it has to be prayed and that essential means that it is not haraam, but, like, it is important and if you can, but you don't it is a sin.

    5. Essential mean= important, in this case:obligatory

    6. Look it up on the web,surly it has the definition

    7. yes Essential sunnat u can not leave ,it is sin nd have to pay for it.

    8. assalam alaikum w r b, brother indeed guidance is from ALLAH swt and sucess comes with search of knowledge. i appreciate your efforts and from my perspective what i learnt..ESSENTIAL IS sunnah mukkadah which is act performed by our beloved prophet Muhammad saw pbuh. To perform these acts is a reward and to avoid is not haram or punishable. However deliberately missing these acts will mislead us from straight path.hope i answewred ur question.
      jazakallah khair.

    9. no it is spiritually beneficial but not compulsory its is better to offer them

    10. No, sunnah prayers aren't compulsory so it wouldn't be haram.

  2. no, they're optional but u get extra sawaab for reading them, as the prophet PBUH read them, and as sunnis we follow his example. only missing fardh is haraam, fardh means obligatory. u should also read witr

  3. Essential is compulsory. You have to pray the essential ones.

  4. Only if you believe in following sunni teachings of islam,(the perfect example of prohphet muhammad pbuh)

  5. I think so but allah knows best

  6. dunno mate...christians rule!!!!

  7. Essential means can be left with an excuse but otherwise must be performed.

  8. Asalaamalykum what do you mean by essential? Could you please be a bit more specific. Jazak Allah Khair

  9. does essential mean if you miss it it would be harram

  10. Here essential means Sunnat Mokadda. There are 2 types of Sunnah - Sunnat Mokadda (mandatory/essential ) and sunnat ghair mokadda (optional). First one is the one Rasool SAW always did and 2nd one Rasool SAW missed sometimes. Islam is not complete without Sunnah. Its amazing that people in Arab world ignore Sunnah when they say Laa Ilaha Illa Allah Muhammadur Rasool Allah. Allah knows best. May Allah forgives me if I committed any mistake

  11. Essentials are the Sunnat-e-Muqada which we have to read and Sunnat-e-Ghair Muqada if we read we will get reward but if we miss don't get any gunnah. But I heard permanent leaver of Ghair Muqada could get gunnah.

  12. Thank-you very much,this will help me now

  13. Essential means: Absolutely necessary; extremely important. I did no know this too but it was part of the prophets Sunnah and Allah commands us in the Quran to follow the Sunnah, so yes we have to pray those but it is not a sin if we have missed out previously as we didn't know. May Allah guide you, me and the rest of the 2 billion apart of the Islamic Ummah, and also the misguided Kuffar.

  14. Ive also heard u can miss the Essential ones I think

  15. Essential means it is still important for you to read it. So you should read it. It is best to read them all that way it causes less confusion.

  16. Where did you get this information from? Can u explain it in more detail, for example, why is witr compulsary? What do you mean by essential?

  17. Essential : Required, important, admission
    Compulsory : a most, mandatory
    Optional : extra, self rewarding

  18. Mash Allah very nice post. Jazak Allah for sharing.

  19. assalam alaikum... essential here means sunnat-e- mouqadda... which means prophet saws peace be upon him used to pray every time, it is necessary but not compulsory as fardh salah... you will be rewarded if u read... follow prophet saws peace be upon him you will be granted jannah. salam alekum

  20. NO... only the Compulsory salat if missed, is haraam

  21. Namaz would be incomplete without the sunnat rakats.

  22. Essential should be done regularly but if not done, no its not haram. For example you have to go somewhere, then it would be permissible to miss the essentials.

  23. Yes. It is mandatory to perform fard namaaz.

  24. Its sunnah so that's why it is essential/compulsory

  25. Allah says it is farz to pray 5 times a day. But if you don't it doesn't necessarily mean hell. There are other things you should do to. If you only pray but do nothing else for Islam you wont be getting into heaven. Praying is a way to get near to Allah. Allah is forgiving.(if I said anything wrong Allah please forgive me)
