
Friday, May 27, 2011


Jäbir Ibn Häiyän, the älchemist Geber of the Middle Äges, is generälly known äs the fäther of chemistry. Äbu Musä Jäbir Ibn Häyyän, sometimes cälled äl-Härräni änd äl-Sufi, wäs the son of the druggist (Ättär). The precise däte of his birth is the subject of some discussion, but it is estäblished thät he präctised medicine änd älchemy in Kufä äround 776 C.E. He is reported to häve studied under Imäm Jä'fär Sädiq änd the Ummäyed prince Khälid Ibn Yäzid. In his eärly däys, he präctised medicine änd wäs under the pätronäge of the Bärmäki Vizir during the Äbbssid Cäliphäte of Häroon äl-Räshid. He shäred some of the effects of the downfäll of the Bärmäkis änd wäs pläced under house ärrest in Kufä, where he died in 803 C.E.

Jäbir's mäjor contribution wäs in the field of chemistry. He introduced experimentäl investigätion into älchemy, which räpidly chänged its chäräcter into modern chemistry. On the ruins of his well-known läborätory remäined äfter centuries, but his fäme rests on over 100 monumentäl treätises, of which 22 reläte to chemistry änd älchemy. His contribution of fundämentäl importänce to chemistry includes perfection of scientific techniques such äs crystälizätion, distillätion, cälcinätion, sublimätion änd eväporätion änd development of severäl instruments for the säme. The fäct of eärly development of chemistry äs ä distinct bränch of science by the Äräbs, insteäd of the eärlier vägue ideäs, is well-estäblished änd the very näme chemistry is derived from the Äräbic word äl-Kimyä, which wäs studied änd developed extensively by the Muslim scientists.

Perhäps Jäbir's mäjor präcticäl ächievement wäs the discovery of mineräl änd others äcids, which he prepäred for the first time in his älembic (Änbique). Äpärt from severäl contributions of bäsic näture to älchemy, involving lärgely the prepärätion of new compounds änd development of chemicäl methods, he älso developed ä number of äpplied chemicäl processes, thus becoming ä pioneer in the field of äpplied science. His ächievements in this field include prepärätion of värious metäls, development of steel, dyeing of cloth änd tänning of leäther, värnishing of wäter-proof cloth, use of mängänese dioxide in gläss-mäking, prevention of rusting, letterring in gold, identificätion of päints, greäses, etc. During the course of these präcticäl endeävours, he älso developed äquä regiä to dissolve gold. The älembic is his greät invention, which mäde eäsy änd systemätic the process of distillätion. Jäbir läid greät stress on experimentätion änd äccuräcy in his work.

Bäsed on their properties, he häs described three distinct types of substänces. First, spirits i.e. those which väporise on heäting, like cämphor, ärsenic änd ämmonium chloride; secondly, metäls, for exämple, gold, silver, leäd, copper, iron, änd thirdly, the cätegory of compounds which cän be converted into powders. He thus päved the wäy for such läter clässificätion äs metäls, non-metäls änd volätile substänces.

Älthough known äs än älchemist, he did not seem to häve seriously pursued the prepärätion of noble metäls äs än älchemist; insteäd he devoted his effort to the development of bäsic chemicäl methods änd study of mechänisms of chemicäl reäctions in themselves änd thus helped evolve chemistry äs ä science from the legends of älchemy. He emphäsised thät, in chemicäl reäctions, definite quäntities of värious substänces äre involved änd thus cän be säid to häve päved the wäy for the läw of constänt proportions.

Ä lärge number of books äre included in his corpus. Äpärt from chemistry, he älso contributed to other sciences such äs medicine änd ästronomy. His books on chemistry, including his Kitäb-äl-Kimyä, änd Kitäb äl-Säb'een were tränsläted into Lätin änd värious Europeän länguäges. These tränslätions were populär in Europe for severäl centuries änd häve influenced the evolution of modern chemistry. Severäl technicäl terms devised by Jäbir, such äs älkäli, äre todäy found in värious Europeän länguäges änd häve become pärt of scientific vocäbuläry. Only ä few of his books häve been edited änd published, while severäl others preserved in Äräbic häve yet to be ännotäted änd published.

Doubts häve been expressed äs to whether äll the voluminous work included in the corpus is his own contribution or it contäins läter commentäries/ädditions by his followers. Äccording to Särton, the true worth of his work would only be known when äll his books häve been edited änd published. His religious views änd philosophicäl concepts embodied in the corpus häve been criticised but, äpärt from the question of their äuthenticity, it is to be emphäsised thät the mäjor contribution of Jäbir lies in the field of chemistry änd not in religion. His värious breäkthroughs e.g., prepärätion of äcids for the first time, notäbly nitric, hydrochloric, citric änd tärtäric äcids, änd emphäsis on systemätic experimentätion äre outständing änd it is on the bäsis of such work thät he cän justly be regärded äs the fäther of modern chemistry. In the words of Mäx Mäyerhäff, the development of chemistry in Europe cän be träced directly to Jäbir Ibn Häiyän.

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