
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fatwa on Fifteenth Night of Shabaan (15th Shaban) / Laylatul Baraat / Shab-e-Baraat (Shab-e-Barah)) FAQs

Source Website: (Darul Iftha, Jamia Binoria)

SerialNo  3490
Received On  5/9/2007
Name  Masood Anwar
Address  pakistan

Subject  Shab-e-Brat PRAYER

Question  Assalam-o-alekum: what is the reality of \"Shab-e-Brat\"? Is there any proof from shariah regarding Shab-e-Brat? guide me with detail answer with reference to hadith. 

Answer  Virtues of the fifteenth night of the month of Sha'aban which is also called customarily as Shab e Bara'ath are recorded in Narrations of Ahadees from almost ten Sahabas. Hence there is no harm if some more Ibadath are done individually in this night in comparison to other nights. But, making arrangement for special gatherings in Mosques, decorating Mosques with illuminations etc, and taking mesures to perform particular type of Salath are not found in the golden era famous for all the excellence, i.e., are not established in the era of Sahaba, Thabi'een or Thab'u th Thaabi'een. Therefore should refrain from such things. Allah knows best.

Hameed ur Rahaman Darul Iftha, Jamia Binoria 27 Sha'ban 1428 

SerialNo  6765
ReceivedOn  8/11/2009
Name  Rana Adnan Liaqat
Address  Lahore

Subject  Shab-e Baraat PRAYER

Question  respected sir, Aslamu alekum! i just want to ask about the reality of Shab e Baraat last night it was celeberated all over the country.but my friend who is doing a course of Allam in Mainawali he told me that acording to Deoband Ulmas Shab e Barat has no such importnace and blessing,he said that Hazrat Abu Bakar Jassas R.A and Ibn e Arabi R.A had denied the blessing of that night..He also give me the refrence from Marraful Quran Volume 7 by Mufti Muhammad Shafi in which Mufti Sahab said that the ibadat doing in Shab e Barat is a Bidat..... Please guide me and tell me what is the reality... i wl be very thankful to you.. 

Answer  Virtues of Shab e Bara'ath, making arrangement to do Nawafil and Ibadath in that night, observing fasting on the day of it, etc are although established through such Ahadees of which the chain of narrators are weak, yet , due to frequency of narrations and miscellaneous avenues of recordings, they possess some sort of a strength. Therefore, most of the elders have accepted it and virtues of it are, among them, agreed upon because there is an allowance to act on weak narrations too, as far as virtues are concerned (Ma'arif ul Qur'an Vol 7, p 758) And same is the view of Ulama e Deoband too, however collective Ibadath in the Masjid, decorating the Masjid with lights and distribution of sweet dishes and performing Nafl with congregation etc. are not established, yet, due to the virtues of this night there is no harm in making arrangement to perform Ibadath in this night individually. Allah knows best.

Muhammad Haneef Darul Iftha, Jamia Binoria 27 Sha'ban 1430 

SerialNo  6788
ReceivedOn  8/11/2009
Name  Abdul Rauf
Address  Karachi

Subject  shab-e-barat PRAYER

Question  Please inform the virtues of Shab e Bara’ath in the light of Hadees or Shari’a. Are there any Nafls in this night and fasting in the day? If so, then what is the speciality in this night as people celebrate this night saying Shab e Bara’ath?

Answer  Virtues of this night are recorded in Ahadees e Mubaraka. And, in some narrations it is mentioned that Allah Tha'ala frees a large number of captives from Jahannum in this night. Probably due to this reason this night is interpreted as Shab e Bara'ath (night of acquittal). Therefore comparing to other nights if precaution is taken to engage in more Nawafil and Ibadath in this night and to observe fasting in the day if one is capable of doing so does not make any harm, but performing collective Ibadath in the Masjid, decorating the Masjid with illuminations and distribution of sweet dishes and performing Nafl with congregation etc. are not established. However, due to the virtues of this night there is no harm in making arrangement to perform Ibadath in this night individually. Allah knows best.

Muhammad Haneef Darul Iftha, Jamia Binoria 27 Sha'ban 1430 

SerialNo  6814
ReceivedOn  8/13/2009
Name  Faizan Ali Rizvi
Address  Karachi

Subject  Shab-e-Barat, PRAYER

Question  Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmathullahi wa Barakathuhu What is the difference between Shab e Bara'ath and Shab e Qadr? Also inform the importance of Shab e Bara'ath (15th Sha'ban)? Does the destiny of all the living beings are decided in this night or no? Or this decision is made on Shab e Qadr? There are many misconcepts found with regard to this night (15th Sha'ban) and please correct us. Awaiting your reply. Faizan Rizvi Jazakallah

Answer  A major and clear difference between Shab e Qadr and Shab e Bara'ath is with regard to the months. Shab e Qadr is one of the un-identified nights in the last ten days of Ramadhan while the fifteenth night of the month of Sha'ban is called as Shab e Bara'ath. Secondly the complete Qur'an e Kareem was descended to the worldly heaven from Lauhul Mahfoozh on Shab e Qadr and not in Shab e Bara'ath. According to the saying of Hadhrath Ibn Abbas Radhiyallahu Anhu all the important matters that are to happen pertaining to the creations such as sustenance, birth, death etc. till the next Shab e Qadr are decided in this night. These are the views of Qatada, Mujahid and Hasan Rahimahumullah as well. Since the same, with regard to sustenance, life, death etc is mentioned about the Shab e Bara'ath too, some commentators of Qur'an have explained the view that, overall decision is made on Shab e Bara'ath i.e the 15th night of Sha'ban and the detailed decision is made on Shab e Qadr. As for the virtues regarding Shab e Bara'ath, although the Ahadees e Mubaraka in this connection are weak with respect to the chain of narrators, yet, due to frequency of narrations and miscellaneous avenues of recordings, they possess some sort of a strength. Therefore, Ulemas have agreed upon the virtues of this night. Hence it is encouraged in Ahadees too to engage in more Nawafil and Ibadath in this night compared to other nights and to observe fasting in the day but there is no proof whatsoever for making gatherings and adhering to perform collective Ibadatah, decorating the Masjid with illuminations and distribution of sweet dishes etc. Therefore it is necessary to refrain from such practice. Allah knows best.

Muhammad Haneef Darul Iftha, Jamia Binoria 28 Sha'ban 1430 

SerialNo  6653
ReceivedOn  7/9/2009
Name  Danish
Address  Karachi

Subject  Shab e Bara'ath PRAYER

Question  What is the status of Shab e Bara’ath (15th night of Sha’ban) in Islam? Does Allah really take account of everybody as to how much Rizq to be allocated etc. etc..? Why does Shab e Bara’ath be celebrated? Waiting for your reply. Please answer me in detail.

Answer  It is impossible to reject the virtues of this night due to the following Hadees and other narrations similar to this. It is understood from some other narrations that this is the night where decision is made on important matters such as death, birth and Rizq (sustenance) etc. of the year's duration by Allah and handed over to the angels. Also the Benevolent Master pays his attention towards His slaves in particular and forgives them (in this night). Apparently due to this reason it is also called Shab e Bara'ath. However, in spite of all this, there is no special Ibadath mentioned for this night and this is the night of individual Ibadath. Whatever Ibadath that could be performed well with convenience should not be missed and should refrain from other useless activities. Allah knows best.

Khadim Hussain Darul Iftha, Jamia Binnoria, 17 Sha'ban 1430

SerialNo  5079
ReceivedOn  8/21/2008
Name  Rana Noman Maqbool
Address  Lahore

Subject  Shaba-e-Barat

Question  Asslam O Alaikum! Sir, Please help me to clearify the concept of Shaba-e-Barat. I have try to clearify this concept that there is no concept of Shaba-e-Barat in Islam. In Pakistan many people belive in that day and they dont have any reference of Quran or hadith. Please tell me how to rectify their belive? Thank you 

Answer  Virtues of the 15th night of Sha'ban which is also known as Shab e Bara'ath is recorded in Ahadees e Mubaraka narrated from more than ten Companions and there is no denial in the fact that righteous predecessors individually used to make more Ibadath in this night. However making arrangements in this night to have gatherings in Masjid, decorating Masjid with illuminations etc. are no where established, therefore it is necessary that the enquirer try to prohibit people from engaging in myths and extravaganzas in this night and not to refute the virtues of this night generally. Allah knows best.
Muhammad Murshid Darul Iftha, Jamia Binoria 1 Ramadhan 1429 

SerialNo  1286
ReceivedOn  9/24/2005
Name  Adeel Arshad Khan
Address  Karachi


Question  Kindly let me know about the significance of 15 shaban in the light of Quran and Sahee Ahadith. 

Answer  Many Narrations of Sahaba in connection with 15th Sha'ban are recorded through which the importance of this night is exposed whereas with regard to the day of it, there is a Narration where observing Fasting is mentioned on the day. This is just a Nafl Fasting and the current methods of Ibadath in the night and fasting in the day which is commonly practiced by the general public are just traditions and refraining from which is necessary. Allah knows best.

Abd un Nafi'u Darul Iftha, Jamia Binoria 6 Ramadhan 1426 

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